
Colon Cancer Deaths are Increasing While Other Cancers Are Decreasing, Here is Why

  • New data from the American Cancer Society shows that colon cancer deaths have continued to increase.
  • Meanwhile, overall cancer deaths have decreased in the United States.
  • Colon cancer is now the leading cause of cancer death. Mostly in men under the age of 50 and second in women under 50 in the U.S.

The American Cancer Society’s “Cancer Statistics 2024 Trusted Source” report provides up-to-date information on cancer trends.

Although overall cancer deaths in the US have decreased, deaths from certain cancers, particularly colon cancer, have increased.

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Why have colon cancer deaths increased? 

Rebecca Siegel, MPHTrusted Source, Senior Scientific Director of Surveillance Research at the American Cancer Society. She believes that the drop in lung cancer deaths have contributed to an increase in colorectal cancer deaths among men and women under 50.

“But it is also because of increasing colorectal cancer incidence in people born after the 1950s for reasons that are currently under investigation by many researchers. But may include increased obesity, changes in diet and/or the gut microbiome. Including highly processed food consumption, a more sedentary lifestyle, overuse of antibiotics. And even gut exposure to microplastics, etc.,” Siegal said in an interview with Medical News Today.

“The rise in colorectal cancer in people under 50 is the same in men and women. Strongly suggesting the cause is not hormonal or endogenous but due to external environmental or behavioral changes,” she added.

What you eat plays a major role

Dr. Anton Bilchik, surgical oncologist, Chief of Medicine, and director of the Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Program at Saint John’s Cancer Institute in Santa Monica, CA, who was not involved in this study, suggested that inflammation could be another factor contributing to the increase in colon cancer deaths.

“Inflammation has been shown to result in an increase in cardiovascular disease as well as cancer,” according to Dr. Bilchik. “The concern is that a lot of this starts at a very young age. And that education needs to start really at preschool. In terms of what kids are eating and the importance of not living a sedentary lifestyle,” he said.

Dr. Steven Lee-Kong, professor of surgery and chief of the Division of Colorectal Surgery at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey—Who was also not involved in this study—said some potential factors that may be involved in the increase in colon cancer deaths could be “poorer compliance with preventative health screening examinations. Poorer health insurance coverage, a lack of familiarity with family history. As this may contribute to an increased risk of colon

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What to know about colorectal or colon cancer

Colorectal cancer affects the colon, a portion of the large intestine, and the rectum.

It is the world’s third-most common cancer, according to trusted sources.

Colon cancer typically affects older adults over the age of 50. Colorectal cancer can occur at any age, with diagnoses nearly doubling among young adults (previous studies).

Typical symptoms of colon cancer include:

  • bloody stool
  • frequent diarrhea or constipation
  • stomach pain, cramps, and/or bloating
  • fatigue
  • unexplained weight loss

Polyps, clumps of cells that grow inside the colon, are typically the cause of this type of cancer. While they are not necessarily cancerous, they can develop into colon cancer over time.

Regular screening tests for adults aged 45–75 can detect and remove polyps.

Early detection of colorectal cancer leads to improved treatment options and a higher five-year survival rate. Detecting cancer before it spreads beyond the colon or rectum has a 91% success rate.

Reducing the risk of colorectal cancer is key to preventing deaths

When asked how these increases in colon cancer deaths could be halted, Siegel said it’s challenging because the cause isn’t known.

“But there are many ways to reduce your risk of colorectal cancer in general by getting screened according to recommendations. Maintaining a healthy body weight, being physically active, limiting consumption of red or processed meat and alcohol, and not smoking,” she continued.

“It’s also important to follow up with your doctor if you have persistent symptoms like blood in the stool or from the rectum, abdominal pain, change in bowel habits or shape of stool, etc.,” Siegel added.

Dr. Lee-Kong said he is increasingly alarmed by the continued, and poorly understood, increase in colorectal cancer incidence in younger adults.

“Compounded by the continued disparities seen in patients of color, colorectal cancer incidence and mortality need to be better understood,” he added.

Can colon cancer screenings help decrease deaths? 

Siegel recommended a specific action plan for colorectal cancer screenings.

“Increase screening before age 45 for people at higher risk by (age) 45 for everyone else,” she went on to say. “Raise awareness of the increased risk and symptoms so that people will visit the doctor and be diagnosed sooner when treatment is more effective. And reduce the stigma so that people are more comfortable discussing the disease and its symptoms.”

Dr. Bilchik stated that the bottom line is that people must understand that cancers such as colon cancer and prostate cancer are preventable and that there are excellent screening methods available.

“We have very sensitive home stool-based tests that are more than 92% sensitive for detecting cancer cells,” he went on to say. “A colonoscopy is not the only option.” It is much easier to not have to perform a bowel prep and be tested at home.

“Although colonoscopy is still the gold standard and certainly recommended in high-risk individuals, there are much easier, less expensive, and more convenient alternatives,” he said.

How can I protect myself from colon cancer? 

When it comes to protecting yourself from colon cancer, Dr. Lee-Kong advises you to “actively discuss family history with your primary care physician, don’t ignore changes in bowel habits or anal bleeding, and get screened starting at age 45.”

And Dr. Bilchik provided these basic tips for defending against colorectal cancer:

  • Exercise at least five days a week for 30 to 40 minutes at a time
  • Avoid processed food as much as possible
  • Limit the intake of red meat, as previous researchTrusted Source shows that too much red meat is associated with colon cancer
  • Don’t ignore symptoms such as rectal bleeding, stomach pain, and weight loss
  • Avoid smoking
  • When you go to a grocery store, shop the outside, where fruits, vegetables, and healthier foods are located, rather than the inside, where a lot of processed foods can be found

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